Sunday, 16 October 2011


We are honored to be given a column in the BIGGEST & widely read newspaper in East Malaysia, The Borneo Post.

The column is called PAWS & TAILS and since its the first of its kind in East Malaysia, we will give our views on the developments/status of Animal Welfare in East Malaysia as well as some tips for all pet owners / animal lovers in the state.

The column's main objective however is to spread the awareness on animal welfare and to inculcate compassion towards animals within the society - particularly to the younger generations.

The first print was suppose to be with visuals attached. Visuals of strays saved by members and had survived the abuse & neglect by previous owners. We want the public to give them a chance by giving them a new hope and chance to live and to love.

Nevertheless, the first print gives us a gleam of hope. That proves the journey has just started. A journey that is full of trials and errors. But its all worth it at the end of the day - seeing more and more people in East Malaysia opening up their hearts and minds to respect animals.

We hope you can be part of this journey too.

Our FIRST pet project have just started too! For more details please click HERE. Do take part and help us kick start this project with great success!

God Bless!


What will you do if you SEE or HEAR animals that is abused? Abuse means inflicting pain and discomfort to the animals to the point that it got hurt, wounded and eventually abandoned or neglected.
If you hear heart stopping cries, yelpings and see obvious wounds inflicted on the animals, and the pet owner is violent / abusive - DO NOT hesitate to contact the relevant authorities, eg: Police / Bomba (apart from the SPCA). You may call Bomba if the animals are stucked in a monsoon drain, trees or anywhere that is dangerous or inaccessible for individuals to go.

In the event that the distress call is not attended to accordingly or you were brushed aside (there are some employees within the authorities departments that are NOT aware or ignorant of the existing law), just mention that you are calling to report the abuse based on the MALAYSIA ANIMAL ACT ORDINANCE 1953, Act No. 427-428 (that relevant authorities must do their job to rescue distressed animals.
BUT PLEASE do not abuse this privilege just for the fun of it (some curious people could do that).

You have the right to remain silent towards the abuse, and if you do, the animals pay the price. Do your part to help STOP animals abuse. Teach the young ones to respect all living beings.

It starts the moment you finish reading this.

Thursday, 13 October 2011


We know you have been waiting for this! And we need your support to make it HAPPEN!

Join AFU's FIRST Pet Project!

We seek for your support to spread the news and invite your friends and family to join the contest!

For further details, please click HERE!